i'm so grateful!~
just gotta back my results for my first semester in school.
not a totally grand and great results but i'm so grateful to God for it!
i got 2As and 3Bs!!!
was so so anxious yesterday since i got no time to enter my sch's intranet to check my results.
also i thought myself tt i need to study and serve real hard becos i know tt it is definitely possible to serve hard as a spiritual minister and do well in studies as a student too.
not easy at all, lots of efforts r needed...
but we do not serve and trust a 'luck' kind of God,
but a God who do His part of best while we give our best too!~
so let me declare tis:
a xtian can and must excel in both ministry and studies!!!
in fact a person serving as spiritual minister in church shld do even better in studies, since they shld know exactly the reason behind studying and they haf a great and mighty God leading and supporting them.
i'm glad tt thru my results i'm able to prove to my parents and elder sister tt wat the church invested and moulded me in is not in vain. i hope to be a good eg for my younger sister too.
realy grateful for the converts during this xmas season too!
i'm proud of my people becos they really serve God hard and love Jesus lots too.
i'm totally proud of my direct core team members for what they are pursuing for Jesus!
i'm thxful for this friendship offered to me too through their lives and the lives of my own CG(Shirls' DMM).
shall update more of God's blessings after i collate the whole xmas harvest!~
retention is the next step! :)