Windows to Gideon's World
1. The age you’ll be on your next birthday:
2. A place you’d like to travel to:
Pamukkale Pools, Turkey.
3. Your favourite place:
4. Your favourite food:
5. Your favourite pet:
6. Your favourite colour combination:
7. Your favourite piece of clothing:
8. Your all-time favourite song:
9. Your favourite TV show:
11. The town in which you live:
12. Your screen nickname:
Kucing Gemuk/ Elmo (Names given by Prajitna)
13. Your first job:
14. Your dream job:
15. A bad habit you have:
16. Your worst fear:
Living among them.
17. The one thing you’d like to do before you die:
A question I'm adding on to the list: Who's new in terrorizing your life:
Welcome to the world of Jon Tay and Dennis...
Tag on to: Freedy, Sunny, Marcus, Chantel, ShiPeng & Daryl (NEB/NEC)
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