my movie partner- freedy prajitna

Was studying with Freedy at Starbuck Cathy today when Freedy got tempted to see what movies were on.
This was the dialogue between us when he came back from the ticket counter.
F: "I think Facture
F: "Its $7.50"
G: "Well, I don't feel like spending money today but if you really want I may just consider watching it"
(Pause for 10 seconds as we seemingly resumed back to our revision)
F: Took out 2 tickets from his pocket "Actually I bought the tickets le :D"

In any case, just wanna take time to introduce Freedy as a great movie partner you can find.
Some of the movies I can recall watching with him:
National Treasure
Cinderella Man
Passion of Christ
Mr & Mrs Smith
Batman: The Beginning
Kingdom of Heaven
The Lakehouse
The Covenant
The Departed
Death Note 1 & 2
Next movie which is a must watch: Spiderman 3
Also can't miss: Harry Potter and the Phoenix's Order
Why some movies attract me:
Some of them are due to the plot:
SAW, DeathNote, LOTR
Some of them due to the enchanting actors and actresses:
Cinderalla Man- Russell Crowe & Renee Zellweger, The Departed- Leonardo DeCaprio & Jack Nicholson, The Lakehouse: Keanu Reeves & Sandra Bullock, Fracture- Anthony Hopkins
Some because of their societal/cultural implications:
Paradise Now, The Soong Sisters
Some due to the familiarity of their plot:
Spiderman1 &2, Harry Potter Series, Xmen1, 2 & 3
Others, due to simply a spur of the moment:
The Covenant
u guys caught fracture w/o me =(
it's always good to watch anthony hopkins sneering on the screen..
anyway, thanks for the previous post! so sweeeet.. but in the first pic i look super cheeko, heh!
10:41 PM
nope, you didnt watch mr&mrs smith with me cause i DID not watch the movie!haha, anyway i told you shirley will like this movie, see.. lol =)
11:32 PM
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