my shepherd- shirley melinda
Celebrated my shepherd's "18th" birthday last night.
Here's something about her:
To me, she is not just a youth pastor, a powerful worship leader or a great teacher of the Word.
Shirls has been a real wonderful God-given person in my life.
As shared during dinner last night, Shirls is someone who I will approach to share my joy and burdens with. Sometimes I feel like she's my "verbal vomit trashbin"...
She is a really good listener, and everytime when I confide in her, I simply felt UNDERSTOOD.
I think she is someone who knows how exactly how to handle her sheeps. Even Eelee agrees with that. She is empathetic and extremely sensitive to those around her, yet not doing it in an overboard manner. She is loving yet firm in nurturing her flock and strives to instill strong biblical foundations upon the life of those around her.
Thanks Shirls for trusting me so much in my leadership even though many times even I myself have doubts in my capabilities. Thanks for the aids in days when I was really poor. Thanks for all the teachable moments with you. :)
Thanks for being so real and sincere to those around you. Indeed you're irrevocably shirls!~
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